MERN Full Stack Web Developer

Embark on a comprehensive journey into full-stack web development with our MERN course. Designed for beginners and seasoned developers alike, this immersive program covers everything from frontend to backend using the powerful MERN stack – MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js. Dive deep into each technology, mastering the fundamentals and advanced concepts essential for building dynamic, scalable web applications.


About This Course

Through hands-on projects and real-world examples, you’ll learn to create responsive user interfaces with React, build robust backend systems with Node.js and Express.js, and harness the flexibility of MongoDB for data storage. Our expert instructors provide personalized guidance and support, ensuring you gain practical skills and confidence in developing full-stack applications. Whether you’re aiming for a career in web development or seeking to enhance your skills, our MERN course equips you with the knowledge and expertise needed to succeed in today’s competitive tech industry.

Course Content

Front-End Development

Module 1 - Introduction To Front-End Development

Introduction To Web Development

What is HTML, Understanding use cases of standard tags

inline vs block, p, br, span, non-breaking-space

ul,ol, nesting of list

Anchor Tag

Images, Lazy Loading, Layout Shifting, Videos

Tables, Making tables meaningful

Forms & Inputs

What is CSS, Anatomy of CSS ruleset

CSS Selectors, Combinators

CSS Units

CSS Box Models – Standard and Alternative

Padding, Border, Border Radius, Margin

Position – Absolute, Relative, Fixed, Sticky

Display – block, inline, inline-block, none



Ways to execute javascript

var, let, const

Data Types



Functions- Regular VS Arrow


What is DOM, Manipulating DOM using JS

What is React and ReactDOM, Understanding VirtualDOM, Setting up new React project using CRA(create-react-app)

Components – Using Functions, JSX syntax & rules 

How to use components, Forming render tree & DOM tree

Props, Passing functions as props, Alternative Syntax to pass props

Understanding Children prop

Importance of state management, Deep dive into useState

Hooks, Rules, Core concept of re-rendering 

Custom hooks 

What are SideEffects, Deep Dive into useEffect

Cleanup of Effect, Optimising autocomplete feature using cleanup

Deep Dive into useRef

Optimising the app by preventing the unnecessary re rendering of components using useCallback & useMemo

Issue with propDrilling & how useContext can be used to prevent it

Working with forms & user Input 

Build MPA using React Router 

Style your react app – Inline, Module, Styled

Back-End Development

Module 1 - Introduction to Backend Development and Node.js

Overview of backend development

Importance of backend in web development

Backend technologies and their role

What is Node.js?

Installation and setup

Understanding Node.js architecture

JavaScript fundamentals review

Node.js modules and CommonJS syntax

Asynchronous programming with callbacks

Defining routes in Node.js

Introduction to package.json and npm packages.

HTTP request and response.

Handling different HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)

Parsing request parameters and payloads

Static file hosting, server side rendering, Web APIs

Passing data from backend to frontend

What is Express.js?

Why use Express.js for web development?

Installing Express.js and setting up a project

Defining routes in Express.js

Handling different HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)

Parsing request parameters and payloads

API Endpoints

Understanding middleware concept

Implementing custom middleware

Using third-party middleware (body-parser, morgan, etc.)

Integrating template engines like EJS or Pug

Rendering dynamic content in views

Passing data from backend to frontend

What are RESTful APIs?

Understanding RESTful principles (resources, methods, status codes, etc.)

Benefits of RESTful Architecture

Designing API endpoints

Implementing CRUD operations for resources

Handling request validation and error responses

Securing APIs with middleware

What is MongoDB?

Comparing MongoDB with SQL databases

Installing and setting up MongoDB

Performing CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete)

Using MongoDB shell for command line interface 

Using MongoDB Compass for visual interaction

Introduction to MongoDB Atlas for cloud-based database hosting

Introduction to Mongoose

Connecting Node.js to MongoDB using Mongoose

Defining models and schemas in Mongoose

Performing advanced queries (aggregation, indexing, etc.)

Working with embedded documents and arrays

Introduction to unit testing

Setting up Jest for testing Node.js applications

Writing unit tests for backend components

Overview of integration testing

Using SuperTest for testing Express.js APIs

Writing integration tests for API endpoints

Introduction to dotenv 

Implementation of dotenv package for port number, password, etc 

Choosing a deployment platform (Heroku, AWS, etc.)

Preparing the application for production

Deploying the backend application

Implementing error-handling middleware

Logging best practices with Winston or similar libraries

Handling uncaught exceptions and promise rejections

Identifying performance bottlenecks in Node.js applications

Techniques for improving performance (caching, load balancing, etc.)

Monitoring and profiling Node.js applications

Introduction to WebSocket protocol

Implementing real-time features with Socket.IO

Building chat applications and other real-time experiences

Introduction to Docker and Containerization

Dockerizing a Node.js application

Managing containers with Docker Compose

Chat application using Mern and

Earn A Certificate

Earning a certificate from Vital Skills enhances your professional credentials and expertise, boosting your career opportunities. It also fosters personal growth and confidence in your abilities.

Why Join This Course?



Practical Demosntration

Project Based Learning

Happy Words From Our Students

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Courses are designed from scratch by professionals. No prior knowledge is needed.

The course is usually delivered through a combination of video lectures and projects.

After completing a Full Stack Development course, career prospects include roles such as Full Stack Developer, Web Developer, Software Engineer, and DevOps Engineer, where professionals design and maintain both front-end and back-end systems. Opportunities span various industries, including tech startups, e-commerce, and software companies, with potential for remote work and freelance options.

₹950/- ₹9999/-

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Total Duration

36 Hours

Total Lessons


Course Validity

1 year


All Levels

Job Opportunities

DevOps Engineer
Software Engineer
API Developers
System Architect
Database Adminstrator
Business Intelligence Analyst
Cloud Engineer

Target Audience

  • Front-end Developers
  • Data Analysts/Scientists
  • Digital Marketers
  • Project Managers
  • System Administrators
  • Game Developers
  • Quality Assurance/Test
  • Engineers

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Demo Lecture - 1

Demo Lecture - 2

Course Curriculum

1. Front-End (HTML, CSS, JS, React JS)

  1. Module 1: Introduction to Web Development

    Lesson 1: Understanding the Basics of Web Development
    What is web development?
    Overview of front-end vs. back-end development
    Lesson 2: Introduction to HTML
    What is HTML?
    Basic structure of an HTML document
    Tags, elements, and attributes

    Module 2: Building Layouts with CSS

    Lesson 3: Introduction to CSS
    What is CSS?
    Basic CSS syntax and selectors
    Styling text, colors, and backgrounds
    Lesson 4: Working with CSS Layouts
    Introduction to CSS box model
    Building simple layouts using CSS floats and positioning

    Module 3: Introduction to JavaScript

    Lesson 5: Basics of JavaScript
    Introduction to JavaScript
    Variables, data types, and operators
    Control flow and loops
    Lesson 6: DOM Manipulation with JavaScript
    Introduction to the Document Object Model (DOM)
    Manipulating DOM elements with JavaScript

    Module 4: Introduction to React JS

    Lesson 7: What is React JS?
    Overview of React JS and its advantages
    Introduction to React components
    Lesson 8: Setting Up a React Project
    Installing Node.js and npm
    Creating a new React project using Create React App

    Module 5: Fundamentals of React Components

    Lesson 9: Functional Components
    Introduction to functional components in React
    Creating and rendering functional components
    Lesson 10: JSX Syntax
    Understanding JSX syntax
    Embedding JavaScript expressions in JSX

    Module 5: State and Props in React

    Lesson 11: State Management in React
    Introduction to state in React components
    Managing state using use State hook
    Lesson 12: Props and Prop Types
    Passing data between components using props
    Validating props using Prop Types

    Module 6: Handling Events and Forms

    Lesson 13: Event Handling in React
    Handling events in React components
    Updating state based on user interactions
    Lesson 14: Forms in React
    Creating controlled forms in React
    Handling form submission and validation

    Module 7: Styling in React

    Lesson 15: CSS Styling in React
    Different methods of styling React components
    Inline styles and CSS modules
    Lesson 16: Styled Components
    Introduction to styled-components library
    Creating styled components for enhanced styling

    Module 8: React Router

    Lesson 17: Introduction to React Router
    Setting up React Router for navigation
    Implementing basic routing in React applications

    Module 9: Project
    Building a Simple React Application
    Applying concepts learned throughout the course to build a small project
    Creating layouts, forms, and navigation using React components

2. Back-End Development (Express JS, Node JS, Mongo DB)

  1. Module 1: Introduction to Backend Development and Node.js

    Overview of backend development
    Importance of backend in web development Backend technologies and their role
    What is Node.js?
    Installation and setup
    Understanding Node.js architecture
    JavaScript fundamentals review
    Node.js modules and CommonJS syntax
    Asynchronous programming with callbacks

    Module 2: Building Web Servers with Node.js

    Defining routes in Node.js
    Introduction to package.json and npm packages.
    HTTP request and response.
    Handling different HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
    Parsing request parameters and payloads
    Static file hosting, server side rendering, Web APIs
    Passing data from backend to frontend

    Module 3: Building Web Servers with Express.js

    What is Express.js?
    Why use Express.js for web development?
    Installing Express.js and setting up a project
    Defining routes in Express.js
    Handling different HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
    Parsing request parameters and payloads
    API Endpoints
    Understanding middleware concept
    Implementing custom middleware
    Using third-party middleware (body-parser, morgan, etc.)
    Integrating template engines like EJS or Pug
    Rendering dynamic content in views
    Passing data from backend to frontend

    Module 4: Building RESTful APIs

    What are RESTful APIs?
    Understanding RESTful principles (resources, methods, status codes, etc.)
    Benefits of RESTful architecture
    Designing API endpoints
    Implementing CRUD operations for resources
    Handling request validation and error responses
    Securing APIs with middleware

    Module 5: Working with MongoDB

    What is MongoDB?
    Comparing MongoDB with SQL databases
    Installing and setting up MongoDB
    Performing CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete)
    Using MongoDB shell for command line interface
    Using MongoDB Compass for visual interaction
    Introduction to MongoDB Atlas for cloud-based database hosting
    Introduction to Mongoose
    Connecting Node.js to MongoDB using Mongoose
    Defining models and schemas in Mongoose
    Performing advanced queries (aggregation, indexing, etc.)
    Working with embedded documents and arrays

    Module 6: Testing and Deployment

    Introduction to unit testing
    Setting up Jest for testing Node.js applications
    Writing unit tests for backend components
    Overview of integration testing
    Using SuperTest for testing Express.js APIs
    Writing integration tests for API endpoints
    Introduction to dotenv
    Implementation of dotenv package for port number, password etc
    Choosing a deployment platform (Heroku, AWS, etc.)
    Preparing the application for production
    Deploying the backend application

    Module 7: Best Practices and Advanced Topics

    Implementing error handling middleware
    Logging best practices with Winston or similar libraries
    Handling uncaught exceptions and promise rejections
    Identifying performance bottlenecks in Node.js applications
    Techniques for improving performance (caching, load balancing, etc.)
    Monitoring and profiling Node.js applications
    Introduction to WebSocket protocol
    Implementing real-time features with Socket.IO
    Building chat applications and other real-time experiences
    Introduction to Docker and containerization
    Dockerizing a Node.js application
    Managing containers with Docker Compose

    Module 8: Project

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