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Python Programming

Embark on a transformative journey into the world of programming with our Python Programming Course. Whether you’re a novice or seeking to enhance your skills, this comprehensive course equips you with the fundamentals and advanced techniques of Python. From basic syntax to object-oriented programming, dive deep into hands-on exercises, real-world projects, and expert guidance. Unlock the power to build dynamic websites, automate tasks, analyze data, and much more. Start coding with confidence and unleash your creativity with Python.

Original price was: ₹2,500.00.Current price is: ₹1,199.00.

Curriculum :

Module 1: Introduction to Python
What is Python?
Setting up Python environment (installation of Python, IDEs)
Writing your first Python program
Understanding Python syntax and indentation

Module 2: Variables and Data Types
Variables and assignment
Data Types
Type conversion (casting)
Working with strings: string manipulation, slicing

Module 3: Control Flow
Conditional statements: if, elif, else
Logical operators
Loop control statements: break, continue

Module 4: Data Structures
Lists: creating lists, accessing elements, list methods
Tuples: creating tuples, accessing elements
Dictionaries: creating dictionaries, accessing elements, dictionary methods

Module 5: Functions
Defining and calling functions
Parameters and arguments
Return statement
Scope of variables: global vs local

Module 6: File Handling
Opening and reading files
Writing to files
File modes: read, write, append

Module 7: Error Handling
Understanding exceptions
try-except blocks
Handling specific exceptions
finally block

Module 8: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Classes and objects
Attributes and methods
Constructor (in it method)
Inheritance and polymorphism

Module 9: Introduction to Modules and Packages
Creating and using modules
Importing modules
Creating and installing packages

Module 10: Introduction to Libraries
Overview of popular Python libraries (e.g., NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib)
Installing and importing libraries
Basic usage examples

Module 11: Project

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